Overseas Coupon Program
It is the first of the month and you know what that means; time to clean out the coupon binders. This is a great time to get involved in a program that helps our military overseas. Our family has been a member of the overseas coupon program for several years now, and we think it is a wonderful program that provides just another way to support those who protect us. With a former Marine in our household, we adopted a USMC base in Japan, but there are several branches of the military that participate in the program. Military families can use expired coupons up to since months past their expiration dates in their PXs and Commisaries. Last year alone, our family donated right around the $20, 000 mark and we are hoping to exceed that number this year. For more information on the program visit Overseas Coupon Program' homepage. Thanks to all of our military who serve to protect us and our freedom and thank you to those who support these heroes.
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