Ok, so I promised that I would come back and let everyone know how the pre-release screening of The Croods went. We loved it! I will warn parents, this movie is rated PG for some scary action scenes. That being said, our two girls, ages 3 and 13 were totally engrossed and loved the movie. On the other hand, there was a little girl, I would guess to be 6 or 7, who sat to the right of me who begged her mom to go home almost the entire movie, especially when it came to the parts where the volcanoes would erupt and it seemed as though the world was ending or one of the members of The Croods would be hurt. With this warning in mind, each parent knows their child, and would know if this type of thing would bother them. As I said, our girls were totally entranced and had not a moments concern with the explosions and such. I will say as an adult, the 3D graphics were absolutely amazing and I found the story line quite endearing, especially since I am dealing with a teenager who is in some ways and will definitely be in others, trying to spread her wings much as the Croods daughter Eep is in the movie. We are already planning to buy this movie when it comes out on DVD, and it has not even been released to the public yet.
See my adorable girls above, they were happy kiddos! :)
Of course we had to take pics with the other movie props too! :)
* As a side note, and I feel I need to put this disclaimer just to be sure all bases are covered, I am in no way being compensated for expressing my opinions of this movie with you guys. Just had to put that out there, because I just really wanted you all to know that I am leaving this review because I wanted to and not because someone asked me or paid me to.