So the last few weeks of school always seem to be so busy. Wednesday I was on a field trip with the Princess, and we were gone from roughly 7 am until 8 pm. Made for a long, hot day in Washington, DC. Yet somehow in the midst of walking what seemed like 5 miles in 100 degree weather, we managed to have fun and see a lot of great things. But we reserved a lot of the stuff until it is cooler, like in the fall, when we can go back and enjoy the things without sweating like crazy. Yesterday, I put in a full eight hours at my "paying" job, then it was off to swim team practice first for an hour, followed by and hour and a half of soccer practice. Again, not much time to stop and breath over the last two days. Now to figure out what I will be doing today, as I only have a few days "off" (mothers I am sure you understand the irony of what I just said because we never really have a day off do we LOL) before my children are out of school for the summer. Maybe I will just be lazy today. That sounds like a plan to me. Because with a fifth grade graduation, fifth grade celebration, a doctor appointment for the young prince who got a broken thumb roughly a month ago playing baseball, field day, some swim practices thrown in the mix, and the school picnic on the last day of school (and I am sure I am missing something but I do not have the calendar pulled up right this minute), as well as working a forty hour work week, I may not have a lot of time for relaxtion next week. A mother's work is never done, but I would not trade this for anything in the world.