Saturday, December 31, 2011
End of the Month Coupons Reset
Don't forget, today is the last day to print any of the coupons you may want online from sites like They will reset in the morning, and they may not have the same Qs available, so get them while you still can.
Happy New Year!
Since we will be busy moving things as everyone prepares for the new year, I just wanted to be sure to take the time to say "Happy New Year!" Hoping everyone has a great holiday and the new year brings them great new beginnings and all they desire.
CVS Beauty Club reset 12/31
A reminder in case anyone missed it, the Spend $50 earn $5 ECB beauty club promo will reset as of midnight 12.31.11. If you are near that $50 mark, hurry in to pick up something to get you to your $50 so you do not lose your ECB. I recommend some of the clearanced shampoos right now or if your store activates their sales on Saturday evening, maybe something from the CVS cash card deal like the Cover Girl (buy 1 get one 50%, with the Qs in the 1/1 P&G if you are lucky enough to get those early too). New totals will start tomorrow along with the new year!
Friday, December 30, 2011
CVS Trip 12.29.11
Found some great deals today at CVS thanks to my friends at Select varieties of Head & Shoulders (extra volume), Herbal Essences (Totally Twisted) and Pantene (restoratives collection) were on clearance 75% off. Combined with the new Qs that came out in the 01.01.12 P&G (which I am lucky enough to get early) these were such a great deal. I only paid $.09 each for the Herbal Essences and $.07 each for the Pantene and Head & Shoulders. Think I may check out another local CVS tomorrow.
Sorry the picture is a little grainy, we took it on my daughter's new Ipod Touch, since I cannot locate the cord to my camera.
Transaction #1:
1 Herbal Essences Totally Twisted $1.59
$1/1 MQ
$.09 plus $.05 tax = $.14
Transaction #2:
4 Herbal Essences Totally Twisted @ $1.59 each
1 Head & Shoulders Extra Volume @ $1.57
1 Head & Shoulders Ocean Mist @ $3.14 (only on 50% clearance, but needed two to use my Q)
2 Pantene Shine Enhance Conditioner @ $1.57 each
3 Pantene Frizz Control Shampoo @ $1.57 each
1 Pantene Shine Enhance Conditioner @ $1.57
1 Pantene Brunette Expressions @ $1.57
1 Pantene Highlights Expressions @ $1.57
1 Gillete Fusion Shave Gel @ $2.37
4 $3/2 Pantene MQs
1 $2/2 Head & Shoulders MQ
4 $1/1 Herbal Essences MQs
1 $2 MQ Gillette Fusion
Made my subtotal $4.04 plus $.97 tax for a total of $5.01 and I got back $4 ECB (Extracare Bucks) to spend on future purchases. The Head & Shoulders is producing a $2 ECB when you buy one right now, with what looks like a limit of six. Love my CVS!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
New Year
As the new year approaches, I have made a resolution already. It is to make more time to visit here and share all my great deals. It has certainly been a long time, but I think now that things may be settling down a bit for us (is that really possible lol) and I am getting the hang of this "super couponing" thing a little better, I really want to share those deals here. So I am planning to visit here at least once a day to share great deals with anyone who happens to stop by. Let's see how this goes. Stay tuned!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Free Travel Size Item at Bath & Body Works
Now through July 13, you can score a free travel size item at Bath & Body Works when you purchase any full size item. Just go here to get your coupon for a great freebie!
Free Hershey Bar at CVS
This week at CVS, the little red machine is spitting out a coupon for a free Hershey's Air Delight Candy bar. My daughter LOVES these candy bars, so this was a nice surprise. Now she just cannot wait to try the air delight Hershey Kisses. Wonder when we will get coupons for those LOL. Don't forget to scan your Extracare card the next time you are in CVS.
Long Time
I know it has been almost a month since I last posted on here. Things have been just a bit scrambled for our family, but I will not bore anyone with the details. So all I can say is that I have a new determination to be sure to share the great deals I find with everyone. I myself need to get back into the swing of things, as I have not been really searching for great deals for a few weeks. Let's see what I can find to get back into the swing of things. Thanks and God bless! Hope everyone has a great day!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Mega Swagbucks Day!

That's right, it's Mega Swagbucks Day once again. Every Friday gives you a chance to earn even more swagbucks, just by doing everyday searches and tasks. If you have not signed up for Swagbucks, check it out today. As little as 450 swagbucks will earn you a $5 Amazon gift card. This is how we are saving for Christmas 2011 for my family!
Swagbucks is totally FREE to join and you will earn 30 swagbucks just for signing up!
Friday, June 3, 2011
Swagbucks Help Our Heroes
This month, Swagbucks has chosen The Wounded Warrior Project as the charity they will be supporting through swaggernaut donations for the month of June. Since June sits right between Memorial Day and Independence Day, they felt it was the perfect time to honor our heroes and support them with our donations. The deadline for donation is June 30th, so you have time, but just don't forget to donate to this great cause for the men and women who fight to ensure our freedom.
*On an additional note, swaggernauts help raise almost $3100 to be donated the United Way of Western Alabama for tornado relief efforts. Great job guys!
Mega Swagbucks Day!

That's right, it's Mega Swagbucks Day once again. Every Friday gives you a chance to earn even more swagbucks, just by doing everyday searches and tasks. If you have not signed up for Swagbucks, check it out today. As little as 450 swagbucks will earn you a $5 Amazon gift card. This is how we are saving for Christmas 2011 for my family!
Swagbucks is totally FREE to join and you will earn 30 swagbucks just for signing up!
So the last few weeks of school always seem to be so busy. Wednesday I was on a field trip with the Princess, and we were gone from roughly 7 am until 8 pm. Made for a long, hot day in Washington, DC. Yet somehow in the midst of walking what seemed like 5 miles in 100 degree weather, we managed to have fun and see a lot of great things. But we reserved a lot of the stuff until it is cooler, like in the fall, when we can go back and enjoy the things without sweating like crazy. Yesterday, I put in a full eight hours at my "paying" job, then it was off to swim team practice first for an hour, followed by and hour and a half of soccer practice. Again, not much time to stop and breath over the last two days. Now to figure out what I will be doing today, as I only have a few days "off" (mothers I am sure you understand the irony of what I just said because we never really have a day off do we LOL) before my children are out of school for the summer. Maybe I will just be lazy today. That sounds like a plan to me. Because with a fifth grade graduation, fifth grade celebration, a doctor appointment for the young prince who got a broken thumb roughly a month ago playing baseball, field day, some swim practices thrown in the mix, and the school picnic on the last day of school (and I am sure I am missing something but I do not have the calendar pulled up right this minute), as well as working a forty hour work week, I may not have a lot of time for relaxtion next week. A mother's work is never done, but I would not trade this for anything in the world.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Bounty Facebook Coupon
Be sure to "like" Bounty on their Facebook page, because every Friday in June they will be giving away a great coupon: $5 off any Bounty! This can make for some great deals and FREE paper towels! Each Friday the first 5,000 fans to respond will get a coupon, so just be on the lookout on Fridays.
O.B. Sample
Head over to get your O.B. Free Sample, just fill out the information and look for your sample in 6-8 weeks. I am super excited because it looks like it comes with this great little compact case. Get yours today!
Hot Huggies Coupon!
There is a hot new Huggies coupon! Just go here to print your $3 off any, yes ANY, Huggies diapers. There is a great sale on Huggies at Rite Aid this week, which can make for a sweet deal.
Thanks, Southern Savers.
Monday, May 30, 2011
This Memorial Day I would just like to say thank you to those who have given their lives so that we may enjoy the freedom we have.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Great Rimmel Coupon!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Coupon of the Day
An All*You exclusive coupon, this $2 off any size Bayer Advanced. Just go here to get yours today. This could make for some great deals on pain relief!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Summer Fever Has Hit!
I have not been posting on here a lot lately, well because it has become crazy in our household as of late. When the warm weather hit, so did all of the activities that come along with it. And the next couple of weeks look to be just as hectic. Our family took a wonderful trip to the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. this past weekend and it was great, but also added to the lack of time we already have what with full-time jobs, two children in different extracurricular activities, and various other things. Anyway, all this being said, I will try my hardest to share any great deals that I may find, because if you are like me, there is never too little time for a bargain!
Friday, May 20, 2011
$1 Flip-Flops at Old Navy!
Yay! So excited it is that time of year again. Old Navy is having their one-day wonder sale with flip-flops at $1 each (regularly $3.50 each). There is a limit of 5 per person and I would get to your nearest Old Navy store early, as I am sure these will fly off the shelves, but what a great way to get ready for summer. Who can ever have enough flip-flops LOL.
Free Gas- Thanks CVS!
This is so exciting! CVS will be running a promotion this summer to help with those bank-breaking gas prices. When you spend $30 in participating products, you will get a $10 gas card for use at ExxonMobil, Shell, and BP. Each week you will be able to earn a $10 gas card, but the products that are part of the promotion will rotate each week, so check in store or in your sales flyers to be sure which products are participating in any certain week. I say this is great, why not earn extra rewards on items your family will be using anyway.
Mega Swagbucks Day!

That's right, it's Mega Swagbucks Day once again. Every Friday gives you a chance to earn even more swagbucks, just by doing everyday searches and tasks. If you have not signed up for Swagbucks, check it out today. As little as 450 swagbucks will earn you a $5 Amazon gift card. This is how we are saving for Christmas 2011 for my family!
Swagbucks is totally FREE to join and you will earn 30 swagbucks just for signing up!
Coupon of the Day
If you spend anytime outside during the summer months like we do (we are gearing up for swim team right now) then this is a great coupon for you. Print out this coupon now for some great sales coming up. I know at CVS next week there will be an extrabuck deal with coppertone products, so you may want to use it there or hang on to it for use with another sale at a different store. Either way, hurry and print it before it is gone.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
McCain Potato Coupon!
If you LOVE McCain frozen potato products like we do in our house (there are some days that just require their Smiles :), then there is a great coupon available now. Just "like" McCain on their facebook page to get your $1 off coupon. I printed mine this afternoon and it has an expiration of 10.31.11 so it looks like it will be a good coupon to hold on to in case of a sale.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Pull-Ups Wipes at Wal-Mart $0.46
There was a great $1 off any Huggies Pull-Ups Moist Wipes in this weekends smartsource newspaper insert. Pair this coupon with the everyday low price of $1.46 for these wipes at Wal-Mart for a great buy.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Wow what a week!
I know it seems like forever since I have posted here, but it has been a crazy week. Between the oldest breaking his thumb at baseball practice, the youngest needing to get a booster shot for middle school and spraining her wrist last Friday, leading to several doctor visits for us last week, along with my regular full time job, time has not been my friend and there has not been enough of it. So hopefully now things will calm down and I will be able to share more than just our medical issues LOL. But in all seriousness, the young man should be healed in about three weeks (or so the orthopedic doc says) and the young lady should be much better by the end of the week. :)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Bird's Eye Viola Coupon
Right now on their facebook page, Bird's Eye is offering a chance to win a $1, $2, or $3 coupon on Bird's Eye Viola family meals. Just visit Bird's Eye' Facebook page to spin for a chance at a great coupon.
April Totals
Ok, so I know I am really behind this month with getting our monthly household total posted, but here it is finally. In April, the grand total of the shelf cost for all items purchased by our family was. . . . $1522.72. Our OOP was $452.87. That is a savings of $1093.76! Our savings percentage this month was 71.83%. I am so super excited about all of the savings we have had in our household!
Coupon of the Day
There is a great coupon out for $1 off 1 McDonald's frozen strawberry lemonade, frappe or real fruit smoothie. If you have not tried any of McDonald's frozen drinks, now is the time; they are wonderful! Click here to get your coupon now. Coupons expire 06.15.11.
Thanks, thekrazycouponlady!
Being Girl Sample
Visit to request your free sample pack. I know with soon to be two females in the household who will need these products, I am so excited anytime I can score some for free. Included in the kit are: 3 Tampax Pearl Tampons (1 Regular, 1 Light, 1 Compak Light), 2 Always Ultra Thin Pads (1 Regular, 1 Long/Super) & 2 Always Thin Liners. This offer is limited to one per household and should arrive in 3-5 weeks.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Coupon of the Day
So this is the Q I have chosen for the day. I found this coupon on's Facebook page. I had seen these at Wal-Mart the other night, but had never seen a Q for them. Well now I have :). This coupon is good for $1 off any Wilkinson razor, so this may make for some great deals. Just an additional note before you print, the wording on the coupon says save $1 on any Wilkinson Sword razor product at Wal-Mart, so to the best of my knowledge it is only redeemable at Wal-Mart.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Just a reminder that we are less than a week out from the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive, so get those coupons ready.I know I have been able to get several food items for free at the stores in recent weeks in preparation for this event. If you do not know what this food drive is or would like more information, just visit their site here. I know nothing makes me feel better than being able to share the good fortune which has blessed our family, and helping those in need.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Emeril Free Sample
So in my email today, All You sent me a message about this great freebie. Just go to Emeril's page to take advantage of this offer. Plus, there is a $1 off coupon availble for his products as well.
Swiffer Duster Giveaway
Head over to Swiffer's Facebook Page and "like" them today. Then check back on May 10th for your chance to score a free Swiffer Duster. They will be giving away 25,000 of these each week in May.
Thanks, thekrazycouponlady!
Free Mother's Day Coupon Booklet
This is a great freebie just in time for Mother's Day and the great thing is anyone can do this for their mom (hint, hint to my beautiful 11 and 13 year olds who just the other day were complaining that they had no money to buy Mom anything ;).Just click the link to get your Free Mother's Day Coupon Book.
Free Gillette Fusion Razor

Here is an AWESOME offer BUT it is in Spanish ;)
This offer will go fast!!
As seen in Harper’s Bazaar magazine, just text PRUEBA to 59999 to score yourself a FREE Gillette Fusion Razor! It will come back in Spanish!!
The first text you receive will be asking for your age and the second text will be asking for your name and mailing address. After your second reply, you will receive an additional text stating that your razor will arrive in 6-8 weeks.
Remember Text Messaging rates do apply!
Swagbucks Tornado Relief
Just one more reason for me to LOVE Swagbucks! Now not only can I earn gift cards to help me pay for Christmas, I can use my swagbucks earnings to help give back, which I also LOVE to do when I am able. Last month, swagbucks hosted a fundraiser for Japan in the aftermath of the earthquakes that devastated the country. Now they have decided to continue with the spirit of giving.
From the swagbucks blog:
After our Japan fund comes to an end, we are opening the Tornado Relief Fund, turning our attentions a bit closer to home. During the 24-hour period from 8 am April 27 to 8 am April 28, The National Weather Service estimates there were a total of 266 tornadoes causing over 340 deaths and countless miles of destruction in the Southern US. One of the hardest hit areas was Tuscaloosa, AL. Estimates indicated that the tornado that hit Tuscaloosa could have been on the ground for 176 miles, with winds between 167 and 200 mph.
We are now reaching out to you in the hopes that you’ll consider donating your Swag Bucks to help those affected. We have chosen to support the United Way of Western Alabama who have committed 100% of donations to go directly to local tornado relief. Start donating today at 12pm PDT with as little as 5 Swag Bucks – every buck counts! The deadline for donations is Tuesday May 31st at 12:00pm PDT.Thank You.
This is a great fundraiser close to my heart, as we are in one of the areas of Virginia that was affected by these tornadoes. We are counting our blessings everyday that the only real lose in our area was property with only minor injuries suffered by residents. I certainly hope this fundraiser goes well.
Go to to learn more.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Coupon of the Day
Check out this $.55 off coupon for Bagel-fuls. If you have a store that doubles this may be a great coupon to have. Just go to to print yours today.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Coupon of the Day
Right now there is a $1 off coupon for A Pyrex Read from Inside Measuring Cup on I am not sure what the retail for these is, but I think it is a pretty awesome coupon since I don't often see coupons for kitchen utensils.
Free Teacher Thank You cards
Right now, Peartree Greetings is offering free teacher thank you cards. With the end of the school year in site for us, I thought this was a great freebie to grab. Just head over to their site to snag yours. This is a limited time offer, so hurry!
Cricut Giveaway!
Now through May 14th, you can enter the sweepstakes on FaveCrafts for a Cricut Expression 2: Anniversary Edition machine. I was so excited to see this giveaway, because I have wanted one of these since I learned of them and this giveaway is a great chance to try to get one. Go to for your chance to win.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Sunny D Coupon!
My selection for hot coupon of the day is $.55 off one Sunny D. Just sign up here to become an ambassador and they will email your coupon.
Thanks The Coupon Hustler
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Cottonelle Freebie
Ok, so if you have visited this blog before, you know how much we LOVE Kleenex Cottonelle wipes in our house. Well, right now they are giving away Cottonelle Wipes coupons, plus free hangers when you go to their site. You can even request to share the deal with a friend. When I entered my info, it said to expect my coupon in about 3 weeks.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Mega Swagbucks Day!

That's right, it's Mega Swagbucks Day once again. Every Friday gives you a chance to earn even more swagbucks, just by doing everyday searches and tasks. If you have not signed up for Swagbucks, check it out today. As little as 450 swagbucks will earn you a $5 Amazon gift card. This is how we are saving for Christmas 2011 for my family!
Swagbucks is totally FREE to join and you will earn 30 swagbucks just for signing up!
Coupon of the Day
Right now on Redplum there are two coupons for Rimmel Cosmetics. These say $1 off either Day2Night Mascara or Match Perfection Foundation or any Rimmel Cosmetic. I LOVE the any part, because often I can find Rimmel on clearance at my local CVS, making finger nail polish, lip gloss, and other makeup free or just pennies.
Crazy Weather
Ok, so we thought having a tornado watch in our area two weekends ago was scary enough, but early Thursday morning we not only had a watch, it was a warning in our area and sure enough we had one touch down and leave its path of destruction in our area. Now I will say that compared to all of the wreckage this storm system left in Alabama, we in the Shenandoah Valley (Shenandoah County to be exact) in Virginia were very lucky. I believe last report was that about 12 homes were damaged and 5 people injured, but again we were very lucky. We were under a local state of emergency yesterday, and without power for 19 hours, but it could have been much worse. I spent yesterday morning giving thanks to God that my family was all safe and the worst thing we had to deal with was the inconvenience of not having power for almost one whole day. That would be why I did not list a Coupon of the Day yesterday. We were not able to visit the web until late last night. And that is not a complaint believe me, because I would go for days on end without power, as long as my loved ones are safe and well. I will tell you this storm made us painfully aware of how unprepared we truly were for this emergency, but it has opened our eyes and made us work on getting prepared in case, heaven forbid, we go through something like this again. The Krazy Coupon Lady shared a while back how she was preparing emergency kits for everyone in her family, and I will do that as well as we work on becoming more prepared. Again, I give thanks to God for the safety of my family, and say that it is good to be back. Hope everyone else out there who was affected by this storms is waking up to a brighter day this morning as well. God bless!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
CVS/ March of Dimes
Starting April 27th and going until May 8th, for every new "like" that CVS receives to their Facebook page, they will donate $1 to the March of Dimes, up to $35,000. This is a cause very close to my heart. In 2003, my husband and I lost our youngest daughter to an atrial spetal defect, or a hole in the upper chamber of her heart at the age of 9 days old. As I had previously done some volunteer work with March of Dimes, the staff was there to lend their support during this difficult time, sending us information on this condition that took our youngest daughter's life and even making a donation in her name for research through the March of Dimes. I am asking that anyone who happens across this post between now and May 8th to please head over to their Facebook page and "like" them so that we can get the maximum amount donated to this great cause, because the hope is with all of the research funded through this organization, no parent will ever have to go through the heartbreak and grief that my husband and I have.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Coupon of the Day
Right now there are some great coupons for Off! products on With spring here and people plannng camping trips and other outdoor activities, these are great coupons to have. Just use zip code 30303.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Hot Ore-Ida Coupon Freebie!
Ok, so I just had to share this one today too! Head on over to Ore-Ida's Sweet Potato Fries Facebook page to get a coupon for a free bag of Ore-Ida Sweet Potato fries. Just "like their page and watch a short video to get your coupon. This coupon will be sent out in the mail, so you can expect it in 2-4 weeks.
Coupon of the Day
Head over to Lipton's Facebook Page for a Buy One Get One free Lipton Iced Tea. This is a smartsource coupon, so remember you should be able to print twice.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Coupon of the Day
There are actually two today. Following the lead of other bloggers, I will be posting a coupon of the day everyday (or at least trying to LOL). Today there are two great coupons on As always, hurry over to the site to print out your coupons today, as we never know how long they will be available and when they will reach their print limit. I have not had the opportunity to match this to any sales yet, but if I happen across a great match-up I will post it.
Easter Goodies
This weekend I discovered the most wonderful result of all my couponing efforts. I will say that in recent holidays, we have had a difficult time being able to afford gifts for everyone. I have always said as long as I am able to get all the kids in the family (and this includes nieces, nephews, and the like) at least a little something, that I would be satisfied, but at times doing that even proved to be a monumental task to accomplish on our budget. Well, I was so excited this weekend when I was able to go into my stockpile and pull enough items for Easter gift bags for all of the beautiful little ones in my family- all eight of them. And I must say that the Easter Bunny did a pretty good job for my own two as well :).
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Disney Earth Day Freebie
I am loving the Earth Day freebies. This year Disney Stores will be giving away a free reusable shopping bag when customers bring in 5 plastic grocery bags for recycling. From the Disney site:
Join Disney Store on Earth Day! (U.S.)
Receive a FREE Reusable Shopping Bag on Friday, 4/22, when you bring in and recycle 5 plastic shopping bags.*Limit one bag per Guest, while supplies last. Event subject to change or cancellation without notice. Excludes Outlet locations. Call store for more details.
Visit the Disney Store for more information and to locate a store near you.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Hot Coupon Alert!
Right now this coupon is available on and makes for some free floss at CVS, Wal-Mart and possibly some other stores. Hurry and print it though, because a coupon this hot will not last long. Don't forget you can print this twice.
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